Thursday 2 August 2012

Oh my goodness, I'm ready to go!

I have finally cut out all the pieces ready for Monday. Here they are, hot off my study floor if you get my drift, well, on it really, but you know what I mean. On Saturday I'll cut the binding strips, it might even be pieced by the end of next week!

then, as  I took my ease after all that cutting, this little fellow shimmered into view and allowed me to capture his vibrations


  1. Looks fab. I like the blues with the browns. Once pieced together will this be a quilt, or will it be made into something else.
    I love working with fabric, once cut and laid out it looks different to how it looked just laying hunks of it by each other imaging, and then once sewn together it looks different to how it looked just cut and laid out. And if quilting, once quilted it takes on yet another look and dimension.
    Can't wait to see your finished project.


  2. It always amazes me how different fabrics can appear to be, once you've cut them into smaller pieces. This is looking lovely.

  3. Thank you both for lovely comments. I've updated this pic to include the little blocks and one extra moon. I'm not quite sure what it will be - finished is the best I can hope for at the moment - and I have another very small something to stitch before Sunday as well!! I'm really looking forward to quilting it - another new thing to learn for me!

  4. Your fabrics are lovely, great colours. Look forward to seeing the result.


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