Sunday 16 September 2012

Ta Daaa!!

OK that might be a bit OTT, but I've been trying to post this for days and seem to have been very busy. I finished it on Friday evening.

Here it is on the patio on a sunny day with the light streaming across from the west as the sun started to sink. As yet unbound - which sounds rather liberated!

Particular favourite bits are

Moons drifting over the downs

in particular, this little one with it's own lonely pine

fields of flowers

Bracken and dandelion clocks

butterflies, forest moons, rippling water

I really am ridiculously pleased with it


  1. Not ridiculous at all! It's so lovely, I love the colours and the quilting, well done.

  2. You are right to be pleased - this is wonderful! Enjoy your feelings of elation - what an inspiration.

  3. Wow! Well done for finishing it, it looks fab. I particularly like the circle-y bits :)

  4. thanks you all for such lovely comments ;-)


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